We’ve come up with some great ideas for places you can bird on your own or with your household. Our self-guided trips direct you to where to bird and provide advice on which birds to look for in which habitats.
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Before heading out…
On rare occasion, there are trail or park closures. We recommend verifying park information before heading out. Also, be wary of rattlesnakes (rare) in the hills during warmer weather and feral pigs that may be aggressive when their young are present. Know how to identify poison oak which can be found in almost all of our parks, and remember to check for ticks.
Wondering what birds to look for this time of year? Check out Matthew Dodder’s What to Look for Now
For up-to-the-minute sightings, subscribe to our South-Bay-Birds email group
Check out our birding resources page for more information
Final note: If you’re interested in making maps like the one above for your own organization, check out our map-embedding tutorial page.
Banner photo credit: Hermit Thrush by Chris Johnson