North Coyote Valley: Matthew Dodder
Dark Sky: Sign a petition (3 minutes)
Aidan Chen, a Saratoga high school student, is asking all of us to sign his petition in support of AB38, the State’s Dark Sky Bill. This bill requires the California government to reduce light pollution in state owned buildings. SCVAS initiated this bill last year, and we are currently one of the sponsors of the bill. Last year, the bill passed the California Assembly and Senate, but was then vetoed by Governor Newsome. We need everyone to sign it and let the governor know that birds, and people, rely on dark nights!
Protect Coyote Valley: Participate in a virtual meeting (1-2 hours)
On Monday, August 28 at 6:00 p.m., planners from the City of San Jose will conduct a community meeting to gather feedback on potential future development all along Monterey Road in Coyote Valley. Please attend by Zoom to ask San Jose not to roll back the protection of Coyote Valley!
Monterey Road landowners are asking for many types of inappropriate development to be allowed, from restaurants, beer gardens and event centers to massive suburban sprawl. Development like this could be devastating for wildlife. It’s critical for city staff to hear from community members, not just the landowners, about the future of Coyote Valley.
Coyote Creek runs along the back of the Monterey Road parcels, and is a critical wildlife habitat area and movement corridor. The creek is the spine of animal movement in the valley, and is critical for wildlife movement. The bobcats, deer, raptors and other wildlife that depend on Coyote Creek’s riparian forest would be significantly harmed by development that exacerbates traffic, and increases nighttime lighting and other impacts from development.
The Monterey Road landowners claim that they deserve to have a special zoning district just for them because Monterey Road is a high-traffic area. But that traffic also makes Monterey Road a roadkill hotspot. More animals are struck and killed on this road than anywhere else in Coyote Valley, including Highway 101. Increased development here would mean more traffic and more animal deaths.
Please tell the planners not to block wildlife movement in coyote valley and along Coyote Creek by new physical barriers or by land uses that create light and pollution, or increase traffic
Become a Bay Advocate
Our friends at the Sierra Club Bay Alive Campaign are offering a free 8-week Bay Advocate Training Program (Thursday evenings 7:00 - 8:30 pm, starting on September 21, 2023) for people who want.
Do you want to protect the San Francisco Bay shoreline but don’t know how to begin? Wish you knew more about the challenges that sea level rise presents to the Bay and the resilience of our communities? Wonder how to promote coordinated regional solutions? The Bay Advocate Training Program will offer insights, camaraderie and support. Learn more about this unique course.
Santa Clara County Parks: Respond to a short survey (5 minutes)
The Santa Clara County Park Department’s Everybody Belongs at Parks Initiative is asking the public to respond to a short survey.
Santa Clara County has 28 wonderful Parks open to all. What are the barriers that prevent residents of all races, incomes, abilities and areas from enjoying the parks? How can the park be improved to accommodate everyone?
Please take this survey and share it with your families and friends. In your response, consider asking for: dark sky, no insecticides, more habitat for birds and wildlife, access by shuttles and public transportation, information in multiple languages, and reducing conflicts between user groups?
For more information, visit the project website.