Conservation Corner
Important state bill to control light pollution
SCVAS is a sponsor of AB 2382, Light pollution control (authored by Assemblymember Alex Lee and joined by Senator Ben Allen) which aims to reduce light pollution on state government properties. Please watch for alerts, we may need all our members to ask the Governor to sign this bill.
Action Alert: Sargent Ranch Quarry
Comments on the Environmental Impact Report for the Sargent Ranch Quarry are due September 27. SCVAS will submit comments, and if you would wish to add your own, directions for writing comments are provided on the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band call for action (or contact
Rally for Juristac on Saturday, September 10th, 1:00-4:00 p.m., on the plaza in front of the County administrative building at 70 W. Hedding in San Jose.
Please consider signing the Juristac petition.
600 Trees
SCVAS submitted comments on Environmental Quality Act documents for several projects in San Jose, highlighting creek corridors, lighting and glass facades. In our most recent comment letter, we focused on a plan to kill over 600 trees in order to make room for 4 warehouses and wide sidewalks on Qume Ave. The Environmental Impact report was riddled with errors, such as the requirement for surveys for bird nests in midwinter (instead of the nesting season), and an error in tree numbering that could result in the destruction of a centuries-old valley oak tree deemed “irreplaceable”. In our comment letter, we pointed out these and other errors as well as the bad design (why should 10-ft sidewalks be prioritized over mature shade trees? Why cannot the project footprint be modified to save the trees?) and inadequate mitigation that only required planting small trees and allowed paying a fee to mitigate the tremendous loss at this site.
What is wrong with these pictures?
These trees slated to be removed to make room for a sidewalk!
This centuries-old “irreplaceable” Valley Oak tree is at risk due to clerical errors (misnumbering) and lack of proper protection over time.
Hellyer Park Bioblitz: Join BioBlitz Club and Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful for our seasonal series of BioBlitz events at Hellyer Park in San Jose on Aug 28, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM.
Celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week (Oct 8 - 14) at Don Edwards SF Bay National Wildlife Refuge: Come celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week, this year from October 8 through October 14 at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. On October 14, drop by the refuge to celebrate nature by exploring your creative side.
Palo Alto Foothills Park Annual Pass: Do you frequent Foothill Park? Annual passes may be purchased at the Lucie Stern Community Center on Tuesdays from 9 A.M. -5 P.M., by phone at 650-463-4900, or online. There are several discounts and free annual passes available for people who qualify.
The Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District is hiring a Conservation Biology Intern. The job will provide training in a broad range of natural resource management techniques, environmental analysis, habitats, and tools.
Valley Water 2022 Water Summit (Hybrid event): Valley Water is hosting a Water Summit on Friday, August 26, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., to bring together Silicon Valley leaders to discuss our current water supply challenges and how we can better partner together to find solutions.