September Conservation Corner

Conservation Corner

Important state bill to control light pollution

SCVAS is a sponsor of AB 2382, Light pollution control (authored by Assemblymember Alex Lee and joined by Senator Ben Allen) which aims to reduce light pollution on state government properties. Please watch for alerts, we may need all our members to ask the Governor to sign this bill.

Action Alert: Sargent Ranch Quarry

Comments on the Environmental Impact Report for the Sargent Ranch Quarry are due September 27. SCVAS will submit comments, and if you would wish to add your own, directions for writing comments are provided on the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band call for action (or contact

Rally for Juristac on Saturday, September 10th, 1:00-4:00 p.m., on the plaza in front of the County administrative building at 70 W. Hedding in San Jose.

Please consider signing the Juristac petition.

600 Trees

SCVAS submitted comments on Environmental Quality Act documents for several projects in San Jose, highlighting creek corridors, lighting and glass facades. In our most recent comment letter, we focused on a plan to kill over 600 trees in order to make room for 4 warehouses and wide sidewalks on Qume Ave. The Environmental Impact report was riddled with errors, such as the requirement for surveys for bird nests in midwinter (instead of the nesting season), and an error in tree numbering that could result in the destruction of a centuries-old valley oak tree deemed “irreplaceable”. In our comment letter, we pointed out these and other errors as well as the bad design (why should 10-ft sidewalks be prioritized over mature shade trees? Why cannot the project footprint be modified to save the trees?) and inadequate mitigation that only required planting small trees and allowed paying a fee to mitigate the tremendous loss at this site.

What is wrong with these pictures?

These trees slated to be removed to make room for a sidewalk!

This centuries-old “irreplaceable” Valley Oak tree is at risk due to clerical errors (misnumbering) and lack of proper protection over time.


Hellyer Park Bioblitz: Join BioBlitz Club and Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful for our seasonal series of BioBlitz events at Hellyer Park in San Jose on Aug 28, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM.

Celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week (Oct 8 - 14) at Don Edwards SF Bay National Wildlife Refuge: Come celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week, this year from October 8 through October 14 at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. On October 14, drop by the refuge to celebrate nature by exploring your creative side.

Palo Alto Foothills Park Annual Pass: Do you frequent Foothill Park? Annual passes may be purchased at the Lucie Stern Community Center on Tuesdays from 9 A.M. -5 P.M., by phone at 650-463-4900, or online. There are several discounts and free annual passes available for people who qualify.

The Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District is hiring a Conservation Biology Intern. The job will provide training in a broad range of natural resource management techniques, environmental analysis, habitats, and tools.

Valley Water 2022 Water Summit (Hybrid event): Valley Water is hosting a Water Summit on Friday, August 26, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., to bring together Silicon Valley leaders to discuss our current water supply challenges and how we can better partner together to find solutions.

August Conservation Corner

Conservation Corner

Alviso Hotel consumes open space and habitat

When the Topgolf project was approved a few years ago, we participated in the Environmental Review process and commented on the loss of open space and habitat. The environmental review documents for that project expressed the intent to leave 6 acres of land undeveloped, and thus rejected the need for mitigation. Now, a new project - Alviso hotel - proposes to develop those same acres. This constitutes segmentation of CEQA review (segmenting a large project to small ones to avoid analyzing and mitigating the full impact) that is not permitted by law. The CEQA documents for the new hotel also dismissed concerns for a plethora of avian species, including burrowing owls. SCVAS submitted three letters on this project to the City of San Jose and appealed the Director Hearing’s decision. We hope the project will fully compensate for the loss of open space and habitat.

San Jose Light Tower stalled

The San Jose Light Tower (AKA Silicon Valley Urban Confluence Breeze of Innovation) seems to have stalled. Efforts by the promoters to increase interest in this environmentally-obtuse project at the confluence of the Guadalupe River and Los Gatos Creek in downtown San Jose failed to capture the public’s heart and imagination, and funding seems far from the needed $150+ millions. A recent report by a technical consultant confirms our prediction that the project as proposed is not feasible in this location, and recommends that the proponents purchase land for the project instead of using public land. Recently, the proponents asked the City of San Jose to study placing this project in Cesar Chavez Plaza. It is becoming very clear that they will not be able to raise over $150,000,000 to construct this vanity project. As we continue to follow the turns and tribulation of this project, we continue to hope that the proponents will reconsider this proclaimed “gift” that takes more than it gives the San Jose community.

Virtual Audubon Advocacy Day 2022

Michael Hawk

Raise your voice for birds and communities at California Virtual Audubon Advocacy Day 2022!

Come support the state bill that SCVAS is co-sponsoring on Wednesday, August 3, 2022.

Join our chapter and chapters across California on Wednesday, August 3, 2022, to speak with your state legislators to save birds and increase access to nature. You and fellow members in your district will meet as a group with your legislators via Zoom. It’s easy and makes a big difference!

This year, Audubon California is supporting three bills for which we will be advocating. Even more excitingly, our very own chapter co-sponsored one of them, Light Pollution Control (AB2382)! Many of you have been helping us implement bird-safe building design principles and lighting controls to protect birds and insects at night throughout Santa Clara County, so let's share our successes with the rest of the state. This bill that we are co-sponsoring will require all buildings owned by the State to implement measures to reduce light pollution. The other two bills are Equitable Outdoor Access Act (AB30) and California Conservation Ranching Incentive Program (SB977). Learn more about these bills here.

Let’s show our state legislators that SCVAS members care about protecting birds and the night sky. It is not too late to register for the event here.

Learn more about Virtual Audubon Advocacy Day 2022 here.

July Conservation Corner

Cupertino’s Blackberry Farm Golf Course: Time to Return to Nature

We previously told you about Cupertino’s consideration of restoring the Blackberry Farm Golf Course site to natural habitat (the other option is making repairs and maintaining the golf course). This property is near the SCVAS office and adjacent to McClellan Ranch Preserve, Stevens Creek, and the Stevens Creek Corridor Trail.

Please take 3 minutes to answer this survey by July 15th, and tell the City that we want to convert the water-guzzling turf to native habitat that supports the biodiversity of our region and that provides a more inclusive space for recreation rather than an exclusive place just for paid customers.

The City will also be taking public feedback at two in-person events.

  • Summer Concert Series: Thursday, July 7 from 6:30 to 8 pm at Memorial Park Amphitheater

  • Open House at the Golf Course: Monday, July 11, 4:00–6:00 pm (group tour at 4:30 pm)

Mountain View Shoreline Wildlife Management Plan – Aims to protect wildlife and habitat at Shoreline at Mountain View. The Plan looks to protect a wide spectrum of local species by focusing specifically on California Ridgway’s Rail (Rallus obsoletus obsoletus), Black Skimmer (Rhynchops niger), White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus), and San Francisco Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas sinuosa) in addition to the Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia).

  • Watch a 5-minute video describing the plan and browse an annotated outline of the plan.

  • Then take a 5-minute survey to give your thoughts on the wildlife you like watching at Shoreline, where you like to watch them, and any additional wildlife species that are not included currently (e.g., swallows, quail, frogs, rabbits and ground squirrels, bumblebees and butterflies). In response to the question regarding recommendations, please ask to include North Bayshore parks, the Charleston Retention Basin, and the egret rookery to the scope of the plan. Ask that the plan include a detailed roadmap and funding for special protection for nesting birds on the island. When asked about priorities, prioritize the protection of wildlife habitat from human disturbance.

Mountain View Community Tree Master Plan and Biodiversity – Mountain View’s Parks and Recreation Committee will discuss the urban forest and rewilding the City through management of parks and trees on Wednesday, June 29, at 7:00 pm

  • Please email the City of Mountain View (Send to:, Subject of email: Community trees, birds and pollinators), and/or speak at the meeting (June 29 at 7:00 pm)

  • Please tell the Commission about the importance of planting native trees and plants, that the Community Tree Master Plan must reflect reflect the critical environmental services that trees provide (i.e., heat island mitigation, air purification, and habitat for birds and pollinators), that the Plan should include a detailed roadmap for reaching goals, and that parks should be less manicured and include native vegetation with habitat linkages along creeks and streets.