The future of Santa Clara Valley Bird Alliance
Thank you for all the support you have given Santa Clara Valley Bird Alliance. When I became Executive Director, I fulfilled a lifelong dream of working to protect birds and the environment. Like you, I was drawn to our organization’s successful efforts to educate our community about local wildlife and to protect precious habitats through conservation and advocacy. Unfortunately, as environmental threats increase it is more important than ever to connect people with nature. I strongly believe together we can do something about this.
American Avocet: Chris Johnson
As we approach our 100th anniversary of local environmental education and advocacy, our organization continues to grow, becoming more effective even with our small team. Each year, our education programs reach over 2,000 students by offering hands-on experiences from Wetlands Discovery to nest box construction and K-12 classes. Our conservation work benefits communities across the county, enhancing protections for critical areas like Coyote Valley, promoting bird-safe design, creating bird-friendly habitats, and fighting for dark-sky initiatives to support animal migrations. Through our field trips, library programs, presentations, and bird surveys, we raise awareness of birds and wildlife across our community.
Despite these bright spots, there is now more to be done than ever. Our staff, volunteers, and funds are stretched to meet the increasing demands, and your financial help is urgently needed.
We are deeply grateful for the generous support you’ve shown in the past. But to keep offering the programs you value, and for us to remain strong advocates, educators, and protectors of our environment, we need your financial help now! I implore you to safeguard these important programs by making a generous donation today. Additionally, if you are able to increase your annual contribution, you will help us avoid the damaging shortfall that threatens our future. Only together will we be able to protect our wildlife and educate the next generation of advocates.
Thank you!
Matthew Dodder
Executive Director